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Everyone Has a Story
I often see a wiry woman pushing a cart full of odds and ends around town, or hefting around a military seabag across her narrow shoulders, weighing almost as much as she does. Her long brown hair hangs down her back in a ponytail to keep it out of her leather-hard face. She is one…

Vacation Day-1
The Seither Family is taking off…literally! Yesterday morning, with a slight line of rose highlighting the horizon, we headed toward the Sacramento Airport. We had an 8 hour lay0over in Denver, so we boarded a bus and went into the mile high city to check out the sites. We had lunch and people watched across from the…
Feeling Crabby?
We went to the grocery store and I saw that they were having a sale on whole crabs. The kids and I have been trying new recipes and crab cakes was on our list of things we wanted to make. I walked up to the counter and the young man in a white butcher coat…

Balanced Breakfast
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A House Divided…
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln. Honest Abe quoted the Bible when he accepted the nomination to run for the Senate representing the Illinois Republican Party. He knew the slavery issue was one that would tear the Union in two. Watching the “Breaking News” as accusations unfold, morals are questioned, and character…