animoto video
You are never too old for a Birthday Party!
Anyone who lived through the 80’s can recall Bo Derek splashing through the foamy surf with her beaded braids. She was a perfect 10, or at least that was the title of the movie. I am pretty average but when people find out we have a large family all of a sudden they say, “…
“What are you going to blog about?” asked my husband, John, before heading out to work. “Finding balance,” I replied. “I took that pottery class a few weeks ago and think it had a lot of great applications to life.” “Good choice,” he said. After he left I drove our high school kiddos to school,…
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands … ” After the morning bell rings these are the words recited in unison by schoolchildren throughout the United States. The Pledge of Allegiance can, for many, be routine and monotonous. But for one Alta…
Spending time in the kitchen with my Great Grandmother was more than just learning to cook.
Several years ago, I took our younger three kids on a field trip to Sutter’s Mill, where gold was discovered. We took a picnic lunch and went through the museum and historic buildings. Many of the places we stopped had tri-fold pamphlets, explaining the artifacts and the history of the building. By the end of…
Empty Nest: Strategies to Help Your Kids Take Flight Written by Marci Seither All of a sudden, the nest is empty. The birds have gone, and what had been a constant blur of activity is now nothing more than a few discarded feathers. Silence mutes all that was colorful and it is time to reestablish…