Birthday! Guess who is turning 50!

Photo on 1-14-15 at 2.37 PM

Guess who is turning 50! I can’t believe how fast the years have zoomed past. Funny, I don’t feel like I should be half a century old, but according to my driver’s license, which I now have to read with glasses on.

One thing my mom used to do when she made our birthday cakes was to wrap coins in foil and put them in the cake. Each slice had a treasure. Sometimes it was a nickel or a dime..but if you were lucky you got the quarters. It was the anticipation that made it special more than the change. Isn’t that like life!


I am 50, a big birthday and I can’t wait to see what the next slice of life holds.

In honor of my birthday I made a super cute sassy flounce apron for me and one to give away. If you would like to win this adorable apron just leave a not in the comment section below and at the end of the month, on January 31,  I will have a drawing to see who the lucky person is.

For an added treat, sign up to follow my blog and I will send you the recipe for this amazing apple strudel pie!

What is your favorite birthday treat?




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  1. Happy birthday! Wow, time has flown by. It seems just like yesteray that you brought us all to the pool in Whapeton. That was almost 20 years ago, so you were my age.

    I would love to win this apron,as both or mine are tucked away in storage. And I’d love the recipe for your apple pie. Mmm!

  2. Happy Birthday Marci–you are beautiful inside and out at 50! Gets better each year right? Blessings on your 50th year. Hope this is your best yet!

  3. I remember Mike’s 50th surprise birthday party (over 16 years ago!). You and John were there to help surprise and celebrate! Happy 50th, Marci!

  4. Happy Birthday Marci!
    I love a yummy slice of cheesecake for my birthday! And I must mention that my mom did the same thing with coins in our cakes growing up – one of my favorite memories!

  5. Marci, you make 50 look wonderful! Hope it’s a wonderful year to come. I’d love to have a special birthday apron made by you! Pick me! Pick me!

  6. Hi Marci – You turn 50 years old – Dennis and I celebrate our 50 wedding anniversary on January 30! It would be so much fun to win your special apron to celebrate both of our 50’s!!

  7. Happy Birthday Marci! I really enjoy hearing tidbits about your precious family and was extremely pleased to see your boys last Spring and meet their future (at the time) beautiful brides.
    My favorite birthday treat is having all my family home to help me celebrate

  8. Marci you make 50 look wonderful. May this year be filled with amazing blessings from God! Love your apron. I’d be thrilled to have one! Pick me!! Pick me!!

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