When you travel, A new silence goes with you, And if you listen, You will hear What your heart would Love to say. John O'Donohue The taste of shepherd's pie takes me back to an adventure I will never forget, my time in Ireland with friend and author Susy Flory. I went as the photographer and was charged with the task of helping to gather stories and recipes. ... View the Post
Baptist Girl’s Look at Lent part 1
Growing up in the Baptist tradition, I had never been exposed to Lent or the rich history and traditions surrounding the Lenten Season. To be honest? I feel a bit cheated! Advent and Lent are traditions that lead up to the two most important calendar days in the life of a Christian. Christmas and Easter. For me, Easter was all about everything that could be crammed into one Sunday. Decorating eggs and learning about palm branches. Singing songs that included Hosanna and "The Old Rugged ... View the Post
Ireland Here We Come!
Check-in. Passport scans. Long flights with little legroom. Over 2.5 miles of walking from one terminal to another. But, we finally arrived in Ireland! After checking into our quaint room, and enjoying a hot dinner, we were ready to collapse! It was hard to remember what day it was. With 8 hour difference, our clocks were a wee bit off. So far I have loved hearing all the accents and extreme politeness. "Thanks a million! Perfect. Thank you so much. Have a lovely time." I will be ... View the Post