When you travel, A new silence goes with you, And if you listen, You will hear What your heart would Love to say. John O'Donohue The taste of shepherd's pie takes me back to an adventure I will never forget, my time in Ireland with friend and author Susy Flory. I went as the photographer and was charged with the task of helping to gather stories and recipes. ... View the Post
Down the Wendell Road
It had been over twenty years since we drove down the country road at the edge of town. Rows of corn at full height and tasseled out followed the gentle slopes. Red barns flanked by large silos were surrounded by thick groves of hardwood trees, the perfect shelter against the harsh Midwest storms that blew in as fast as they blew out. We were going to see the hobby farm we had lived on when my husband and I moved our small family from CA to Fergus Falls, MN over 30 years earlier. After two ... View the Post
If you have a goal to WRITE
I never thought I would be a writer. In fact, if my high school yearbook had a category for "Least likely to publish anything-EVER", I would have won by a landslide. During my high school years, we learned on a manual typewriter and worked our way up to an electric typewriter. After many hours spent trying to catch up on all the tedious drills, I finally made a passing grade. As far as I know, I still am the ONLY Ponderosa Bruin to ever be demoted from electric typewriter back to ... View the Post