Does This Blog Make My Bum Look Big?

I just finished reading a piece about increasing your blog traffic. One of the top nuggets of advice was to make sure your title caught people’s attention. Well, if you are reading this, I guess it worked!


There have been several serious bumps in the road. I have been busy marketing my books, creating new projects, and juggling family events. As a result, my good intentions of writing like crazy and waxing eloquently have gone to the wayside. I have neglected my blog. Sometimes I feel like I am juggling goldfish, which trust me, would not be a pretty sight.

BUT, now that summer is over, the kids are back in school, and we are settling into a new routine, I am ready to rollup my sleeves and plow forward with some refreshed goals and renewed ambition.

bumWhat about you? Are you ready to refresh and renew some of  your goals? Sometimes a swift kick in the behind is what we need to get some forward momentum.

Don’t get bummed when you hit a bump in your road. Keep moving forward.


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