Every author should be so lucky!

On May 28th, just a few days before school was out for the summer, I had the amazing privilege to meet the 4th grade class who gave me feedback on The Adventures of Pearley Monroe.

They had no idea I was coming and the local news, KCRA, captured it as well. Meeting those kids and talk to them face to face meant as much to me as it did them.[youtube]http://youtu.be/15i8A3_JB4E[/youtube]

The kids all peppered me with questions and comments. I had each of them tell me their name first so I could put a face to the names I had read so often on the blog posts and letters. Some were crying out of joy, but one girl almost brought me to tears. She raised her hand to thank me she said…”I just want to let you know how much I appreciated this book. It has been a really hard year for me and well, this story and the fact that you persevered helped me through a touch time.”

I found out later that her parents were divorcing and separation was a new reality for her..just like it had been for Miss Nancy. I told the kids that they needed to persevere and stay curious. They showed me the stack of books that had been purchased for the next students who came to Mr. LaMarr’s class.

Next school year I will go back and visit classroom 16, where they will all be in 5th grade and we have made plans to write a story together.

I love what Benjamin Franklin said, “Write a book worth reading or live a live worth writing about.”

I have no doubt that that group of 36 students will do both.

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