explore ~ discover ~ learn

We said good-bye to the Buckeye state yesterday and headed to Chicago. Next stop.. The Museum of Science and Industry.

I could tell that Jack was not thrilled with the prospect of spending a fun filled day looking at exhibits and reading about things he had absolutely no interest in. To make matters worse, Jack and Scott stayed up all night chatting and watching movies with their cousin. I pretty much figured I would need to park him near the baby stollers and just get a claim check to pick him up when we left.

I knew it was bad when he sat on the floor while we were in line to get our tickets and I made sure John went with him to the restroom to make sure he didn’t relieve himself  in the custdodian closet.

Things changed in about five minutes. As soon as we went to the second floor a live demonstration of fire and explosions caught everyone’s attention. The kids LOVED it! The exhibits were hands on and so interactive that time flew and before we knew it they were announcing that the museum would be soon closing.

We had dinner with John’s Aunt’s and Uncle and then went to Shari and Mike’s home right out of Chicago where the kids caught up on their sleep., which is a good thing because today we are headed to the Field Museum .

Take time to explore !

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