Happy Mother Goose Day!

200px-RealMotherGooseDid you know that May 1st is National Mother Goose Day?

There are a few different accounts of who the real Mother Goose was, but one thing is certain, she has had an impact on children around the world for generations.

In 1697, an Italian author named Charles Perrault, gathered ten fairy tales and published the collection under the title Tales from the past with Morals: Tales from My Mother Goose.

The book was later translated into English in 1729 as Mother Goose’s Fairy Tales, but didn’t gain much attention until 1760, when an ambitious John Newbery decided to establish a new branch of the book trade by publishing three children’s books: The Top Book of All, Gammer Gurton’s Garland, and Mother Goose’s Melody.

Twenty five years later, Isaiah Thomas published the first American edition called Mother Goose’s Melody: Sonnets for the Cradle. He included other favorite rhymes such as Little Tommy Tucker, Jack and Jill, along with Little Miss Muffet.

[youtube]https://youtu.be/rhTVRURuzkQ[/youtube] For me, reading to our kids from the time they were born was something that I loved doing as a new mommy. Each child had favorite books that were read so many times that the child could recite them without even looking at the pictures. Over the years, we have purchased several copies of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel and Barn Dance because we literally wore them out. I can’t wait to read to my grandbaby as soon as she gets here.

Everything takes time, including reading to young children, I totally get that. I remember when the floor felt like a fly strip after someone dropped their cup of juice, the dust bunnies were always giving birth to more dust bunnies, and the laundry pile was big enough to toboggan down.


Look around. Trust me, as a mom whose nest is almost empty.. the dishes and “To-do” list really will wait for 15 – 30 minutes. Read. Connect. Cherish. Finding the balance isn’t easy but it can be done. Mother Goose would be proud.

There is a bit of Mother Goose that dwells deep within the soul of anyone who has rocked a child to sleep or snuggled on the couch for story time; it is the preserved part of our childhood that still wishes on shooting stars and wonders what in the world a tuffet is.

Photo on 5-1-15 at 12.20 PM

To celebrate National Mother Goose Day, I am having a drawing for a new children’s book. Hot off the press! Pumper John.  All you have to do is leave comment telling me your favorite Mother Goose rhyme or fairy tale, and I will put your name in a drawing. Name will be picked on.. Mother’s Day!

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