Holiday Presence

For the past several years “the Cousins” have drawn names for Christmas gift giving. There was a price limit and it needed to be hand made. However, family dynamics changed and everyone became too busy during the Holidays to put in the effort. It was suggested we skip the gift giving thing this year and have a white elephant gift exchange instead.

At first I was inclined to agree. I thought of all the stuff I planned to pawn off on others, but our kids were bummed. They didn’t see it as a hassle, they saw it as an opportunity.

It wasn’t about the gift, it was still about the thought. And it still counted to them. Even if they weren’t going to be on the receiving end, they still wanted to make something special to give. How could I say no to that.

We picked put an easy to make project. A pillowcase.

Last night, after dinner, I cleared the table and began to set up the sewing machine and fabric. I gave instructions about cutting with pinking shears and making sure they remembered to take the pins out before they got ran over by the sewing needle.

Jack sat in front of my sewing machine. Carefully he pushed on the foot pedal, trying to keep the stitches in a straight line.  Amy ironed and assembled flannel pieces that had been purposefully selected for each person.  Even Scott, who said he had too much homework to take part in the production, sat down to try his hand at the sewing machine.

 We put on Christmas music and talked about when we should put up a tree and decorate.   “They are going to love these!” one of them exclaimed after the strings had been clipped.

Each pillowcase was different, each one stitched with love and each one was a gift from the heart.

After the scraps were tossed and the scissors put away I reflected on the times when the Holidays were so hurried and stress filled that it was a relief when Christmas was over. I wondered how often I missed the opportunities my kids still cherished. They remind me of what is important.

For me the best part of the gift making experience wasn’t what ended up in the box. It was what happened in the process.

It is not the present, it is about the presence.

May the presence of the Lord’s love fill your heart and home this Holiday Season.



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  1. Good article Marci. Loved seeing the children sewing. I used to make pillow cases for each grand-child every holiday, look at all the neat fambic for each holiday. But, after 13 Grands and 12 Great Grands, I am no longer to afford doing that. Incidentally, they always loved them.
    Happy Christmas to you and yours. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Thanks so much Phyllis! Sometimes it is easy to get overwhelmed by what we think are gifts, but one of my favorite gifts is the one I received from you and the other Philpotts a few years back. It was the time you took to spend an afternoon with a bunch of giggly girls and share your Christmas memories of long ago. It was your presence that made the difference. The girls didn’t feel like they were a hassle, they felt loved and cherished and will remember that moment for a very long time. Thinking of you this Holiday Season, love Marci

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