If you have a goal to WRITE

I never thought I would be a writer. 

In fact, if my high school yearbook had a category for “Least likely to publish anything-EVER”, I would have won by a landslide.

During my high school years, we learned on a manual typewriter and worked our way up to an electric typewriter. After many hours spent trying to catch up on all the tedious drills, I finally made a passing grade. As far as I know, I still am the ONLY Ponderosa Bruin to ever be demoted from electric typewriter back to manual.

I also wasn’t a big reader. So in English when the teacher required the class to read extra books and do a written report to get an A, I would make the whole thing up: book title, plot, characters, and even the author. In order to not sound too intriguing, I would usually add something like, “It had me at the start but really drug through the middle.” or “The main character ended up being an unrelatable jerk.”

BUT, I have always loved stories. I love hearing them and passing them along.

When I discovered that I could write them, it opened a whole new world. An adventure that I would have never thought I would be part of. I am still learning all the time, but I am so thankful I took that first step to make my goal of becoming published a reality.

What about you? It is time to take the next step.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Antoine de Saint-Exubery

If you are ready to learn more about the writing craft, I invite you to check out Flourish Writers Conference. It is free for 1 week and might be just what you need to get started on your own writing adventure.

Click here to find out more or to register!

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