juggling goldfish

A few days ago a wonderful writer friend, Mary DeMuth, posted a question asking if others felt overwhelmed.

Boy, was that relevant to me, especially since I had just grounded myself for not having my homework done, laundry finished, and to top it off my room was a mess!

Sometimes things get done and at the end of the day I breath a sigh of contented relief. Then, there are days when the vacuum expoldes, the toilet overflows and the kitchen floor needs pressure washed due to canning buckets of pea sized grapes into jam.
It isn’t always the big things that throw me off my game as much as the incredible amount of little things.

Sometimes I feel like I am juggling goldfish!

I do get overwhelmed. But recently I have been working on my “They Shall Rise Up and Call Me Crabby” book. The chapter I am working on is “Seasons”. It is comforting that no matter how crushed I feel by everyday busyness I can have hope.
Paul wrote in Phillipians 4, “I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.”

Even if it means learning to juggle!

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