Merry Christmas

The best part of Christmas for me, was just having all six kids home. Nathan is still in the Marines, Emma is living with our niece in Fresno and busy with wedding plans, Mark is in San Luis Obispo. I miss hearing the laughter and screams of anguish over Sorry cards being drawn, sending an opponent back to start,. Or the positioning of who is going to get to sit in the back of the Suburban or next at the opposite end of the dinner table from their Dad.

They love to say that I made their favorite foods, because they are the favorite, but they know the truth- they are all my favorite. Spending a few days together was a treat I will remember long after the Christmas decorations have been taken down and cookies consumed.

Hope your family spent time together and remembered to think about the baby born in a Bethleham under the glow of starlight, visited by wisemen and shepards and eventually changed the world.

From our family to yours…..Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

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