New York!

The airplane taxied down LaGuardia Airport. After a week in New York I was headed home. I half expected the plane to turn into a pumpkin somewhere over Colorado. It was such a fairy tale story come true.
This small town reporter wins a writing contest and gets flown to New York City! In fact when Guideposts called to let me know I had been selected I thought they were wanting me to renew my subscription! I was afraid to tell anyone for a while because of the fear that any day they would call me back to tell me they had made a mistake.
The editor let our group know that we were not selected because of our literary works or perfect sentences, but because they had seen the potential in us as story tellers.
Spending the week with the staff of Guideposts was amazing. Meeting and learning along side 14 other incredible women was inspiring. Seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time was breath taking. The Lady of Liberty stood proud and steadfast. A beacon of hope to all who dared to dream.
There were so many times I almost quit writing. Quit dreaming. One thing I have learned with every rough draft is that anything worth while takes a lot of work, discipline and perseverance. I have come along way…and still have a long way to go.
Like those who dreamed of a new start in a new country, seeking refuge and a future I find myself on an incredible journey.
Breath in fresh air of freedom and hold on to your dreams, because you never know where they will take you.
Never stop Dreaming……OR Writing!!!
I enjoyed reading of your experiences in New York and hopefulness you shared while emerging into a life that you once only dreamed of… good job! Keep up the good work, and write, write, write!