Plans Are Hatching

If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken from an inside force, life begins. Great things always begin on the inside.”  Jim Kwik

I was surprised to see a robin flitting in and out of the small tree outside my office window. I couldn’t resist knowing if there were eggs hidden in the twig woven nest. One day when the mother Robin flew off, I snapped a picture. To my surprise, there were two beautiful blue eggs inside.

I watched and waited until one day, I saw the momma bird come back to the nest carrying a bug.. wobbly heads stretched out with beaks wide open. The baby birds had hatched, and they looked… a face only a mother could love! Their eyes were shut, and the transparent skin on their body was sparsely covered by little quills. As soon as they thought more food was coming, they would open their beaks in the hope of life-giving sustenance. The parents constantly made trips to the nest with food in their beaks.

A few days later, I was amazed at how little feathers began to cover their skin, and their eyes were open.

I enjoyed watching the birds grow and knew eventually they would take flight and be able to build their own nests.

That reminds me of my plans. I thought, watching them one morning.

We can build a nest with the resources we have available and then sit on a few potential “eggs” hoping and waiting and praying..that our work will not be in vain. Carefully being attentive and looking forward to the slightest movement- a sign that something is finally hatching.

Sometimes we have to trust that we have done all we could and just wait. So interesting that one of the themes in Lakeside Retreat is REST.

Waiting is not easy, but REST is something that I am learning to value.

To be honest, sometimes, when our plans hatch,  they look like wobble-headed bulgy-eyed birds. Instead of flipping it out of the nest, we need to feed and nurture our hatched idea and allow it to grow into its fullest potential, even to the point that it lifts out of the nest and soars.

For me – I am hatching out plans for a cross-country road trip/book tour!

That is right~ John and I will be driving from TN up to MN and over to CA. We have several author chats and book signings set up and are looking forward to seeing friends and family on the trip. More details to follow.

What plans are you sitting on or have recently hatched out?

I hope it takes flight!

“A man’s heart plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.”

Proverbs 16:9

I love that we have examples of nature all around us!

Even hidden in the branches right out our window.

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