In just 28 days I am launching my Kickstarter campaign.
So, today I began setting up my project page. There are other crowdfunding cites, but I have really loved how easy the staff at Kickstarter has made the process of getting started.
Step 1. Log onto Kickstarer and set up an account..or if you have an account, go to your profile page.
Step 2. Find out which catagory YOUR project will go under. My last project was under publishing, but this time I will be in the FOOD catagory. It is nice that you can see how many projects are going on in each catagory by clicking the button. You can also see if anyone else is doing something simialr to your project. AND, you can see how they are presenting their projects. Spend time doing this, it will really make a difference when you start considering backer rewards and writing up your business plan. I found a project that was under “cookie stamp” but it was basically homemade cookies in a hand decorated box that could be sent instead of flowers or a card. Nothing like what my project is – insert sigh of relief here!
You might even find someone you want to help back, which shows up on your project page under BACKED. Kickstarter loves the idea that sharing is caring and encourages artists to support each other, but that is not a requirement, just an option.
Step 3. Name your project and push START! I decided to call this “Cookie STAMPede” with the word stamp being in uppercase letters to add distinction to the word. I didn’t want people to think they were going to be plowed over by raging cookies, but the play on words will be fun to work with later on in my campaign. I also went to Namecheap and registered the domain name so that if this takes off like a herd of charging buffalo I will have the ability to create a landing page for my cookie stamp creation. It cost $12.00 to do when you are building your product launch keep in mind your expenses starting from the time you push send. Those expenses are legit and should be added into what you will need for support.
Step 4. Go through the Kickstarter’s Creator Handbook, they have done a great job of walking people through each step of setting up a Kickstarter campaign.
Step 5. Start working on what you want to include in your story and also creating a realistic budget for what you will need to launch your product into the marketplace. WRITE IT DOWN either on paper or on your computer but you need to start now. Once your completed package is done, including a video, you have to submit it to Kickstarter for review and approval. That could take a few days so you do not want to wait until the last minute. You can “go live” with your campaign anytime after it is approved. I am aiming for October 1st because it is National Homemade Cookie Day.
I loved this quote from Walt Disney. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” Think about how the world would be different if Walt had never put ACTION to his dreams.
Today is a great day to push your start button. Let’s get this party started!
~~~~ Looking forward to tomorrow when we talk about the process of brainstorming on who your customers are and why your product helps meet a need that they might not even know they have.
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