Savor- A word worth biting into.

Savor -to enjoy with appreciation; dwell on with delight.

Amy and I have been ramping up our culinary prowess and learning new recipes.  I had never thought to add nutmeg to a cheese filling, or fresh ginger to chicken and yet that is what we have been doing. The kitchen smells wonderful and even the conversation around the table on nights where we spend ample time simmering  are more relaxed and enjoyable.  We are learning to savor each bite. We are learning to savor being together. We are learning to slow down and savor being creative.

A few nights ago we made spinach -artichoke stuffed shells fro our new Rachael Ray cookbook. It was amazing and I wondered why I hadn’t ever created something like that before. I think it is because I find myself always hurried and preoccupied with my “to=do” list that I haven’t taken the time to savor the thought of something new.

I have been thinking a lot about the New Year and what I want to change. This year I am going to savor relationships and memorable moments.

What is on your plate?   Savor it!

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