Savor the Season and Pumpkin Snickerdoodles
“As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
John F Kennedy
The leaves are turning from green to vibrant hues of yellow and red before falling to the ground and being raked into piles.
Fall is a time of year when things are being wrapped up for the year and the beginning of the quickly approaching Holiday season. I have Christmas cards ordered, but I am NOT ready to put out the nativity scene just yet.
I know..I know..there are people already playing Christmas music and decorating, but not in our house. Christmas season does not officially kick-off until Thanksgiving is over.
While it is easy to focus on making Pinterest Perfect cranberry sauce and Martha Stewart inspired pies, the
most important thing to keep in mind is being THANKFUL.
Having an attitude of gratitude. It is a season worth savoring.
Recently I read an article from Harvard Medical about studies and health benefits that can be attributed to having an attitude of gratitude.
So what are you thankful for this season?
Here is the recipe for the BEST pumpkin snickerdoodles you will ever eat!
Seriously, these will make everyone you share with THANKFUL that you made them.
These amazing morsels were inspired by Debbie Macomber. For more recipes by this best selling author visit her site at