Simply Citrus photo by Marci Seither

Simply Citrus

Simply Citrus photo by Marci SeitherThere is something so refreshing about the smell of citrus. I have had a special fondness for limes since my trip to Belize a few years ago. My friend Margaret always put a squeeze of lime in her drinking water, so I did the same and have often picked up a bag of limes to have on hand since then.

I love the way my fingers smell after the transparent spray of citrus goodness explodes under gentle pressure.

It doesn’t take much…just a slice…just a squeeze… a gentle mist, to make a difference in a glass of water that was basically tasteless.

How true that is of life?  We can be that fresh fragrance or added flavor in a tasteless world, but in order to do so it may requires a little squeeze. A testing of our faith or even just a testimony to Christ during a season of  trial and disappointment.

Whether you are a mom in the  hurried days of car-pools and activities, a dad trying to juggle family time with the demands of a stressful job, or a student working hard to graduate in an uncertain time, you can make a difference in the world around you.

Simple faith.


“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphant procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.”    2 Corinthians 2:14



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  1. Love this! I’m a big lime fan, too… I’ve been sipping lime water all morning to fight an oncoming cold. Gratefully I have a lime tree here at my house! We’re waiting on the dozens of limes that are hanging there to ripen… but a good search usually yields some sort of results, even if it’s a half-ripe, fairly-juicy fruit. I wrote about a lime adventure here:
    Fun to see your blog!!

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