I woke up to the sounds of rain hitting the window. I thought it was supposed to be spring. After all, I had just replanted the front flowerbed with fresh flowers from assorted six packs and had watered them so they would take root, and now..this! A downpour that rated beyond "Spring Shower" status. One loud enough to wake me out of a deep sleep. I guess you could say that it caught me off guard because I wasn't expecting a change from the lovely warm days we had been ... View the Post
Zin-ful Vice Chocolate Cake
"WOW" I am pretty sure if taste buds could talk that is what they were shouting after my first bite of this amazing chocolate cake. I mean seriously, how could you go wrong with butter, dark cocoa, and a glass of wine? Be still my beating heart! And then, it is drizzled with the glaze, followed by the light dusting of powdered sugar, and joined by a few raspberries, the perfect dessert! When our daughter asked if she could make this cake I was a little skeptical. We love good food, but to ... View the Post
Ohhh Fudge!
Ever year when the Christmas Carols start being played and the decorations get brought out, we pull out our favorite recipes and decide which ones we will make and which new ones we want to attempt. One year we decided to make peanut butter balls. It was a disaster. The church cookbook had a small typo in the recipe. All I can say is that there is a huge difference between 1 pound and 1 cup of powdered sugar. By the time I cross referenced the recipe with other cookbooks I realized I needed ... View the Post