How to Get Ready to Be an Empty Nester
Join me as I talk about key moments with Focus on the Family.
Join me as I talk about key moments with Focus on the Family.
Seeing school supplies line the shelves of every store was a reminder that this season has ended for me. While moms across the country restocked backpacks with fresh supplies of pencils, notebooks, and either scientific calculators or crayons, this was the first time in 27 years that I didn’t. It isn’t like I was totally…
The first rays of sunlight barely touched the treetops at the end of our driveway. I poured myself a second cup of coffee and paced near the big window facing the road. I was the one who scheduled the movers to come, I just hadn’t expected to be their first stop of the day. They arrived…
“C’mon Jack,” Amy grabbed her keys and backpack. “We are going to be late.” My 5’10” freshman, Jack, emerged from his room still in his PJ’s. His tousled mop of hair looked as if he had just walked backwards through a wind tunnel. “Just go without him,” I took a drink of hot coffee and…
It seems like the school year picks up speed after Spring break, especially if you have a graduating senior. I just finished putting away Easter decorations and now it is time to get ready for something else. Graduation! In just six weeks Amy will be walking across the stage in cap and gown to receive…