
Down the Wendell Road

Down the Wendell Road

It had been over twenty years since we drove down the country road at the edge of town. Rows of corn at full height and tasseled out followed the gentle slopes. Red barns flanked by large silos were surrounded by thick groves of hardwood trees, the perfect shelter against the harsh Midwest storms that blew…

Learning, Loving, and Putting the GRAND in Grandparents.   What is your legacy?

Learning, Loving, and Putting the GRAND in Grandparents. What is your legacy?

A few years back I wrote a story for the Colfax Record about grandparenting and interviewed people who had just become grandparents for the first time. When I asked a friend, Dena Saunders, what kind of a legacy she wanted to leave for the next generation it didn’t take long to respond. “I want to…

Happy Grandparent’s Day

Happy Grandparent’s Day

In 1979, Mrs. Marian McQuade’s appeal to have a special day to recognize the value that  grandparents have with the next generation was signed as an official proclamation by President Jimmy Carter. It wasn’t meant to be an overly commercialized day that flooded the market with an abundance of cards or token gifts, but rather…