Thankful @ Day 3

Scott had an English assignment to make a collage of things that interest him, people he looks up to and what he would like to do as a career. This afternoon I gathered a few magazines, a pair of scissors and we began to cut out words and images ~words like faith, family and airplanes…lots of airplanes.

Day # 3 of Thankfulness

I am so thankful that Scott has had the opportunity to pursue his passion of flying. It has been a life long dream. Now that we have moved  it is time to pick up where he left off and continue fueling his passion of flight.

I am thankful for all of those the Lord has put into out path that, in either large or small ways, have encouraged and aided our young pilot-in-training who has tasted flight and has the heart of a dreamer.

“For once you have tasted flight you will walk with your eyes turned skyward, for there you  have been and  there  you  long to return.”                                                   Leonardo Divinci

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