The Lasts

Part of our moving to TN is saying goodbye to people we love and places where memories were made. Sitting by the beach and watching the sunset, being Mary Poppins to the families I worked for, learning to use a potter’s wheel are a few of the things we will miss from our SoCal location.

Mostly we will miss being in the same state as some of our kids and grandcuties. That is a topic for another blog post :~D

Today marks a biggie. Today is John’s LAST day working for Western Concrete Pumping. He has worked for them for the last several years and we have been thankful for the job. At a time when many people were deemed non-essential, the construction industry still moved forward.

But..with every new chapter, there is a closing of an old one. We are packing up and thinking of all that needs to be done before the moving container arrives. It seems like our days are filled with LASTS.

I would be lying if I said it was an easy decision. It hasn’t.

But I would also be lying if I told you I wasn’t getting excited about this new adventure. We are leaving so many things behind. Some good. Some not so good. Some easy. Some not so easy.

As the LASTS are finished – we will be starting on a whole new list of FIRSTS.

What a great way to end this crazy year.

Feel free to follow our journey as we move from California to Tennessee.

Yours always, Marci

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  1. Oh, my! I loved knowing there was a possibility I’d see you on one of your trips to northern California. However, I know you’ve got adventures ahead of you. Wishing you health, wealth, love and the time to enjoy them. Safe journey. Gloria

  2. Love you, Marci Jane!
    Is there form below for us to sign up for your blog? ❤️

  3. Oh Marci, I love the way you share the adventures of the life God has called you go. You are truly an inspiration to the body of Messiah. ( and of course John too) You 2 make such a great team. Blessings to you both and your families. I look forward to continuing to following your journey. Love always, Pat from Auburn❤️

  4. New beginnings can be biittersweet.
    I so understand your journey. Thinking of you and praying for a safe trip. The wonders of our Lord and His gifts are unfathonable. I am praying over you a JOY that only ourbLord Jesus can provide. Embrace His gifts!

  5. Hi Marcie, my sister Debbie Thomas suggested I google you since I live just over the bridge at Sumner County and Wilson County in TN. Welcome to Gallatin. I hope you get settled in and enjoy living in TN. I will be glad to help you in any way I can. Judy

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