This is what a real hero looks like.

the flag
the flag


Today we went to a Veteran’s Day ceremony in San Marcos. The most touching moment was when one of the speakers, who had lost his twin brother in Vietnam while he himself was serving, introduced a real American hero. His father, who was on the third deck below the water line when the ship he was on was struck with a Japanese bomb. As he feebly stood to acknowledge the crowd’s applause he was not the only one to stand, soon the Pearl Harbor survivor was the recipient of a standing ovation, fitting of a hero.

I think it is important to point out to our kids what real heros look like and when given the opportunity, to hear part of their story.pearlharbod

Today’s headlines are filled with celebrities who can dance, sing and ride a wrecking ball in their birthday suit, but in reality, they are nothing more than entertainers who have not had to put their lives on the line for the sake of others. What makes a person someone who deserves to be given a standing ovation is the person who put their freedom on the line, so we could live free.

As we looked at the memorial wall I was mindful of those whose families also paid the price.

IMG_0388Veteran’s Day is just one day we set aside to say thank you to those who have helped protect and defend our country.

I would like to encourage parents that  the next time they see a serviceperson in uniform or an elderly person proudly wearing a hat signifying their branch and the years they served,  to point them out to their kids and say..”That is what a real hero looks like”.


To those who have served and are serving…”Thank You’.

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