Time Out

We live exactly 9.8 miles from one of the most beautiful beaches along the California Coast. 

Right now the water is a balmy 78 degrees, the sun is warm, and the parking along the beach is free. So what is stopping me from enjoying it every once in a while?


I am so weighed down by my endless “To-Do” lists that unless I live to be 160 years old, I will never finish it.  In fact, I have recently just unearthed a pile of lists from the back of my closet that dated back to when our youngest, Jack, still had cradle cap. Jack is now 6 foot 2 and shaving.  Some of the items were crossed off, some should have never made it on the lists. Many of the lists were even two sided with stars marking which ones were the most urgent.

Some of the items were crossed off, some should have never made it on the list to begin with. Many of the lists were even two sided with stars marking which ones were the most urgent.

The bottom line. The lists never get all the way done. Ever. Why?  Because while we might extend “Grace & Mercy” to those around us, we rarely extend the same to ourselves. If we can do something, we feel the obligation that we should do it, so we quickly take on the added responsibility.

I have been saying for several months now, “As soon as I get my list crossed off I will go to the beach for a few hours.”

Today, I decided to lose the list.

I am in the middle of reading Shauna Neiquist’s book, “Present Over Perfect”.

In one of the paragraphs I underlined, yes, I do mark in some of my books,  Neiquist wrote…

“Part of being an adult is taking responsibility for resting your body and soul. And part of being an adult is learning to meet your own needs, because when it comes down to it, with a few exceptions, no one else is going to do it for you.”

After finding a parking spot, I pulled the beach chair out of the trunk along with my book bag, a few pens, and my water bottle. There was a perfect spot on the sandy beach. I watched little kids chase waves while seagulls watched for any unprotected picnic.

The rhythmic surf was perfect background noise as I read, wrote, and observed the beauty around me.

A few hours later I left refreshed. I felt more optimistic about getting done the things that are the most important.

What about you?

Do you find yourself caught up in the hurried pace of life?  Do you intentionally take time to rest?

The list will wait.

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.”     Psalm 62:5


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  1. Thank you Marci. That was just what I needed today. I let my list rule and never take time to do the fun things that will refresh me. Now I’m forced to “stop and smell the roses.” Well if resting is because you have double pneumonia. So I have to stop, rest, and observe. Making a plan to do enjoyable things at least once everyday when I’m up to it again. Think I’ll take that quote from the book you’re reading and post it all over my house!
    So enjoy your writings, Marci. Sorry I missed seeing you when you were in town recently. ?

  2. So true..next time I am in MN.,let’s have a Time Out together over a cup of coffee!

  3. Marci you are wonderful and your words inspire me to stop and smell the roses life is short and it goes by fast thanks for taking the time to share.

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