What can you get for 5 bucks?

Two Doughnuts on a PlateThis morning I took Scott to the Auburn Airport, where he has been doing whatever needs to be done in exchange for flying time.

“Do you think we can leave a little bit early this morning?” he asked before we left the little cabin on Lake Alta, where we are staying.

“Why?” I responded. “Are you flying early this morning?”

“No,” he replied. “A lot of people are at the airport on Monday mornings, so I was wondering if we could pick up a dozen doughnuts and take them into the office?”

I looked at Scott whose height had passed mine quite a while ago. Being seventeen isn’t always easy..being a seventeen year old boy’s mom isn’t always easy either.  It is an age where tension and tenderness are often rolled so tightly together that feeling both at the same time can feel like the norm. But, then there are mornings like this…where for 5 dollars, Scott can make the day extra special for others and I can make his day extra special as well. For 5 dollars I can remind him that he is worth my time and energy and that his is loved more that I can tell him.

One of the first things writer’s learn is “show..don’t tell” and this was a “show” moment  that spoke louder than words. It was a  simple sweet action that included chocolate and maple glaze and sprinkles on top.

When he saw my car reappear in the parking lot, he was waiting. He took the rectangular white and pink box from my hands and said, “You are the best mom ever!”

Sometimes we can get a lot for 5 bucks, and this morning’s doughnut run was worth every cent.


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