You can’t get to yesterday from here…

Our family has had a whirl-wind of activity over the last few weeks, including college kids coming home…graduations…birthdays…company…and other events. Every night I fall into bed with a sigh of exhaustion and regret that I am getting further behind on my  book, “Adventures of Perly Monroe” and the Urban Retro Fitter tutorials, and Pinterest.

scott and emma -lake alta

Over the years I have asked older women, who remember when bread cost just a dime and making a perfect Jello salad was an art form, what they would have done different when they were raising their children. The common response was that they would have spent less time worrying about things that really didn’t matter and spent more time making memories with their kids.  When life gets crazy and I feel the squeeze deadlines, some of which are self-imposed, I hear the whispers of wisdom shared from those women of previous generations.

When I feel anxious about falling behind I also remember what I heard McNair Wilson, a former Disney imagineer, said,”You can’t get to yesterday from here. Just pick up where you left off and move forward.”.

And so I am.

Yesterday we arrived at our friend’s small cabin, where we will be staying for a month. It is small, rustic and peaceful. I brought my writing and camera and will be busy getting caught up and working on projects, but I will also be taking moments to watch my kids row a canoe around the lake, make homemade ice-cream, and see who can make the biggest cannon-ball splash in the Dutch Flat pool.

Moving forward.

Do you ever feel stuck? What do you do to get the momentum going?

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