You know what Today is? A day to CELEBRATE!

This afternoon I was going through the checkout line and the young checker looked up as he scanned my items and asked how my day was. I imagine that is how he addresses every person in his line. The same thing over and over.

“Fine” I responded.

“That’s good,” was the reply, barely looking up.

“You know what today is, don’t you?” I asked him.

His interest piqued. He looked me right in the eye and shook his head side to side as he slid my package of cream cheese across the scanner.

“Today is National Hot Fudge Sundae Day!” I smiled back.

He chuckled. “I had no idea! In fact, I didn’t even know that was a real thing.”

I told him I was going to make homemade hot fudge as soon as I got home.  He said he wished he was celebrating Hot Fudge Sundae Day at his house.

I finished paying for my bag of groceries.

“Have a great Hot Fudge Sundae Day!” he exclaimed as he handed me my receipt.  I picked up my bag and smiled back.

We will.

” Enjoy the LITTLE things in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were the BIG things.”  

Kurt Vonnegut

Sometimes we zip through our days, weeks, months, years, without really taking time to stop and smell the Hot Fudge.

We were created to celebrate. Our brains are hard wired for it and yet, we often fail to enjoy the little things in life that bring a smile to our face.

Simple joys are still worth celebrating.

Urban Retro Mama’s Homemade Hot Fudge Sauce


  • 1 cup ½ & ½
  • ½ cup light corn syrup
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • ½ cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • ~~~
  • ¼ tsp. Sea salt
  • 2 Tbs. butter
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract


  • In a 2-quart sauce pan over medium heat bring first five ingredients to a simmer and stir for 5 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and add the remaining 3 ingredients.
  • Stir well and let cool.
  • Store in airtight container and microwave as needed.
  • Serve over ice cream, crapes, or as dipping sauce for fruit.

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  1. I love how you enabled the checker to make a connection and say something other than “Have a good one.” (which is one of my pet peeves). And, this looks delicious! Ice cream in any and every form is my favorite!
    Happy Sundae day!

  2. Looks yummy, Marci! Thank you for sharing your recipe, and Happy Hot Fudge Sunday Day to you❣️

  3. This makes me so happy Marci! I love it when spontaneous little nugglets of joy like this happen in my life. Thank you for being one of those people who is not afraid to start the conversation sometimes. Much to my children’s chagrin over the years, I too am a person who will spark up a conversation with a complete stranger just because I felt led to tell them how much I love their shoes or how I appreciate the way they handled a particular situation. Life is too short for us not to seize the moment to offer encouragement as often as we can.

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