Carbon Dating My Thighs
Ok.. so I am not really carbon dating MY thighs. But, I am going to chisel out the glacier in my freezer, where I know I have at least 3 packages of chicken ~ all bought on sale~ to see which, if any, are still edible. Depending on what I find, carbon dating may be a viable option.
Putting anything in the freezer has become more like a 3D Tetris challenge. I am ready for “Game over”.
So why would I decide to do this?
It is a gift to myself. Seriously.
Not that cleaning out the freezer will solve my problems or bring about global peace..but because my lack of organization is keeping me from the things I really want fill my days with, such as write books for my grandbabies, learn how to make puff pastry, sewing up a few new aprons, and the list goes on.
The other day someone asked me what I did, I think the apron might have sparked their curiosity.
For those of you who do not know, I have a part-time job. I work for a family making sure the laundry is done, keeping the house clean, helping with meal planning, errands, and meal prep. In fact, their home is much cleaner than mine!
Officially, my title is “Household Manager”.
“Wow,” they commented. “I need you to come to my house!”
To which I replied, “I need ME to come to my house.”
And that got me thinking.
Now that it is just John, Jack, and I there isn’t a huge need to buy the Costco bag of tortilla chips or #10 cans of refried beans like I did when all six of our kids were at home. I need to readjust. I need to make a huge effort to reorganize and restructure the way we operate. I need to be my OWN household manager. Wow..what a concept.
Even the best laid out plans can go sideways. Routines get disrupted and it is hard to always get back in the groove. Just like I have a very orderly routine when I get to their house, I need to overhaul my routine and set up a maintenance plan in my home.Sometimes you just need to start with a clean plate, or in my case, a clean freezer.
What is the best tip to manage your freezer space? I would love to hear about it.
Seriously, my thighs will thank you.
“The best way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.” Walt Disney