Moving Forward

walk“This is the year I get in shape!”  I have told myself for the last decade.  I like the idea of toning up, slimming down and being able to keep up with my kids, but putting that goal into action is another thing entirely.   It isn’t the desire, but the discipline to put on my walking shoes, lace them up and get my fanny out the door. I am not training for the Iron is just a 30 minute walk!

I have a ton of great reasons why I should put off walking for another day. I have too much to do. It is too cold. It is too hot. If I am running around all the time, shouldn’t that count for something?  Well, shouldn’t it?


If I say I really want something enough to make it a “goal”, but do not put any effort into making that happen, then chances are it wasn’t really that important.

According to the Webster dictionary:

dis-ci-pline (a) a training that develops self control, character, orderliness, and efficiency.

Today, when I went for a walk, I thought about how I apply, and also neglect applying, disciplines to different areas of my life. Trust me, the list is long.  Am I quick to kick off my shoes as soon as I get tired or bored of the view?

Needing to put action to good intentions isn’t always easy. But in order to meet a goal or see a dream fulfilled it is important that we lace up our shoes and get started.

What are some of your goals? Do you have a plan of action or are you just hoping everything will miraculously fall into place?

Maybe it is time to set your course and move forward, one step at a time.

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. ”     Hebrews 12:11


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