DIY-Laundry Detergent


One day John asked why he always ends up with at least one single sock every laundry day. I told him the only rational explanation I knew, “The washing machine eats them!”

“Are you expecting me to believe that?” John asked. He is such a skeptic when it comes to temperamental household appliances.

“Seriously,” I continued. “What do you think this is?” I held up a jar of nickels, dimes, and quarters I kept next to the fabric softener.

“Loose change,” said John.

“No! It’s my tip,” I explained.


Whether you have a sock eating washer or not, being able to save some green while going green is a total win/win situation. Making your own laundry detergent is easy and costs about 2/3 of what I was spending on plastic bottles of detergent which ends up in the land fill.  With the money I save… i think I’ll buy John some more socks.

This recipe is something I got from  Terra Gray’s blog “Simply Mrs. Edwards”. She has other really fun DIY projects and great recipes.

We had to go  to a few different stores to find everything on the list, but we ended up going right down the street to the local Statter Brother’s Grocery Store.

Get a large 5 gallon bucket to mix ingredients in. You and mix it with a garden trowel.

Laundry Soap Ingredients

* 1 box of Borax – 4 lb. +12 oz.

* 4 lbs of baking soda

* 55oz. box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soap

* 3 bars of Fels-Naptha soap ~ or ~ 2 bars of Zote Laundry soap

* 1 32 oz. tub of OxyClean (off brand will do)

DirectionsLaundry Detergent

Grate the bars of soap and mix all the ingredients in a bucket. Store in a container.

Use 2 Tablespoons of laundry soap per load.

Our family loves how clean and fresh this detergent smells.

From my laundry room to yours!




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