First Day of School Jitters

I had jitters. It was my first day of kindergarten and as my mom snapped a picture at the corner of Wakefield Way with her Kodak Instamatic camera, I was filled with questions. Do I have my snack? Will I make new friends? Will my mom pick me up? What if I have to go to the bathroom?

Sacramento, CA 1970

It was a new experience for all of us since I was the oldest.

And we survived, even if my peanut butter and jelly sandwich was a bit smooshed by my Looney Tunes Thermos.

Fast forward to NOW~ our oldest granddaughter is getting ready to start her first day of Kindergarten. She has new school uniforms required by the public school in their neighborhood, her lunchbox is ready, and pencils sharpened.

Only there is a big shift. She is not going to be going to class, meeting new friends on the playground, or comparing sandwiches in the cafeteria.

She will be home, just like many school kids across the country.

Like most families facing a situation they hadn’t expected, my daughter and son-in-law are having to make decisions on what school will really look like for our little grand. Jitters are part of that process.

Thankfully, there are a lot of great options, some are by parents who have already blazed a trail down that home-school path. That alone eases the jitters of many who are looking into homeschooling as a viable “Shelter-in-place” educational option.

Whatever choice you make this school year know you are NOT alone. Those of us who remember when our school Thermos had a glass lining or the distinct smell of mimeographed copies want to encourage you as you face this big hurdle of doing what is best for your child and family.

School jitters happen whether you are going to school or sending a kid to school. This will pass, hopefully, faster than the fashion mistake of polyester plaid jumpers.

Need a bit of help on where to start? This is something my friend Tricia Goyer put together and I can honestly recommend it. I wish she had it when our kids were younger!

Click on the link below for more information.

A note from homeschooling pro Tricia Goyer:
School-at-home. No friends. Mom as teacher. No one saw this coming, did they? If you’re suddenly homeschooling you might find yourself scrambling. You’ve tried virtual education and you learned quickly that no one knew what they were doing, especially you!
Actually, it doesn’t have to be this way. Get a plan. Get organized. Get ready!

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