New Word for Pinterest Project…TRIBUTE

There are almost 24 writers who are taking part of a collaborative Pinterest board titled WORDS. Every other week, we change the word we are focusing on. Today, the word TRIBUTE is being featured. It means giving honor, praise, respect, and gratitude. I can think of so many things that deserve respect, and I am sure you can as well.

tribute2Last Christmas time, Scott had the opportunity to participate with Squadron 144 in Wreaths Across America.  The cadets met at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery at Point Loma and placed a Christmas wreath on the headstones of those killed in action. When they found the headstone of the first name on the list, there was already someone there. It was a young soldier, and the woman was his mother. Since his headstone already had a wreath the boys moved on, but I lingered and thanked her for her service as well. She hugged me tight and we both cried.

Sometimes, paying tribute requires more than just words.

With Memorial Day just one week away, it is easy to focus on the gratitude we have for those who have given their lives in service for our country.

There are so many people who have had a positive influence on our lives. Sometimes we can thank them in person, sometimes we can’t.

Is there someone you would like to pay a tribute to?

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