Pavlova~ a perfect summer dessert ~ gluten free and full of yummy goodness!

I love Pavlova. It is an Australian dessert that looks and tastes like summer. For me, the fruit topped meringue has a special place, not just in my recipe box, but in my heart.

When I was a teen, I had decided to make Pavlova for 4-H Favorite Foods Day. I had won medals previously and decided to stretch myself and enter the foreign foods category. I researched Australian meals and culture. My mom made me a traditional outfit, and I had gotten an Australian flag to put into my place setting. With all the work I had done I was confident I would be a medal winner~again. When the judges started calling out red ribbon recipients, I  was already thinking about the gold medal that I would hang on my hat, but then I heard my name repeated.

gluten free dessert that is so summerlicious!
Gluten free dessert that is so summerlicious!

I snapped to attention. They must have made a mistake!  Then they said it again. I tried to stand and smile. My face became hot with embarrassment as I stepped to the front to be acknowledged.

On the way home I stared at the ribbon I had tossed on the floor next to my feet. “I should never have tried something harder; I should have stayed with what came easy! ”

My mom kept her eyes on the road and spoke up. “You deserved a medal.There is no doubt in my mind of that.” There was a small silence then she spoke up again. “I know you are disappointed, but you always win. Maybe this is a life lesson.”

Half in shock, I looked at my mom who continued,”To be a good winner, sometimes you have to understand what it takes is to be a gracious loser.”

She was right. I did something that stretched me, and in the process, I learned something far more than a medal could have ever taught.

Thanks, mom. I think of how lucky I am every time I bake this fun dessert.



4 egg whites                                             1/2 tsp. vanilla

pinch salt                                                  1  tsp. apple cider vinegar

1 cup sugar                                              1 Tbs. cornstarch

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Beat egg whites and salt 3 to 4 minutes until peaks form, then add sugar and beat until peaks are stiff. Add vanilla, vinegar, fold in cornstarch.

Pour out onto parchment paper lined cookie sheet.  IMG_0615

You can make one large pavlova..or several individual small ones.
Turn over to 250 degrees.

Bake for 1 1/2 hours.

Put onto a plate and when cool, top with whipping cream and top with fresh fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi.

Sometimes the simple things have the most flavor.
Sometimes the simple things have the most flavor.

From my kitchen to yours ~ enjoy~


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  1. I love this story as I remember this time vividly. It was a big deal preparing for those food shows. It was so hard to stand up and talk in front on everyone while looking like a professional. My guess is the judge was a chocolate lover and that she just didnt get it. This is the dessert I make all the time right now. My friends love it and my family especially my boys BEG for it. It’s really good if you sneak in some honey Greek yogurt into the whip cream. It tastes like a custard and is good for you. The Oikos banana cream or toasted coconut is the best yogurt

  2. I don’t think I have ever made 7 layer bar cookies since we were in 4-H! BUT Pavlova is still a family favorite!

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