I am not sure if it was the freshly baked bread I had just sliced, or knowing our last jar of homemade blackberry jam had been opened, but all of a sudden I had a craving for something simple, yet amazing ~ a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.
The taste brought me back to when my mom packed my lunch in a Yosemite Sam lunchbox and my small, glass lined thermos kept milk cold for the whole day. Those were the days when kids played outside with friends until the streetlights turned on, and where a few sticks of chalk and handful of rocks became a quick game of hopscotch.
Sometimes it really is the simple things in life that we often take for granted!
So pass the peanut butter, grab a jar of your favorite jam, and savor the simple things in life one bite at a time..
NOTE TO SELF: Don’t forget the milk!
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