It is 27 days until I launch my Kickstarter! Today we are talking about connecting with your audience. Whether you are writing a book or creating cookie stamps you need to know who your audeince is. This is not a "Field of Dreams" fantasy where , "If you make it they will buy." You need to reach out and connect with those who have a felt need that your product can fill. What is the emotional connection between your product and the consumers need? It might be that they love what your are ... View the Post
Pushing the “Start” Button
In just 28 days I am launching my Kickstarter campaign. So, today I began setting up my project page. There are other crowdfunding cites, but I have really loved how easy the staff at Kickstarter has made the process of getting started. Step 1. Log onto Kickstarer and set up an account..or if you have an account, go to your profile page. Step 2. Find out which catagory YOUR project will go under. My last project was under publishing, but this time I will be in the FOOD catagory. It ... View the Post