“I love Lucy” is one of those things I could watch over and over. The episode of the candy dipping, selling Vitameatavegamin, stomping grapes, and when she had to ride the subway with a loving cup stuck on her head are classic. But what I admired about her, after reading her biography, was that she was more than a creative and classy person, she pursued her dreams. After Lucille performed in a small high school performance, she knew she wanted to pursue being on the stage. Her mother was ... View the Post
DIY Cheese Crackers that are out of this world!
For anyone who grew up watching Star Wars, May the 4th has become a fun geeky day to reminisce the often iconic, "May the Force be with you." I did a little background check on George Lucas, the filmmaker who gave us not only Star Wars but also the Indiana Jones movies. George grew up in Modesto, CA and wanted to be a race car driver, however all that changed after a near fatal accident right before he graduated from High School. He realized a new passion after enrolling in a local ... View the Post
A perfect 10 in 2011
Anyone who lived through the 80's can recall Bo Derek splashing through the foamy surf with her beaded braids. She was a perfect 10, or at least that was the title of the movie. I am pretty average but when people find out we have a large family all of a sudden they say, "Whoa..you look great for having six kids!" The way I figure it you get a point for each kid. It is a math thing. When I was younger I was only an 8 with 1 kid, which equaled 9. Now I can start out at a 4 and when you add ... View the Post