A perfect 10 in 2011

Anyone who lived through the 80’s can recall Bo Derek splashing through the foamy surf with her beaded braids. She was a perfect 10, or at least that was the title of  the movie.  I am pretty average but when people find out we have a large family all of a sudden they say, “Whoa..you look great for having six kids!”

The way I figure it you get a point for each kid. It is a math thing. When I was younger I was only an 8 with 1 kid, which equaled  9.  Now I can start out at a 4 and when you add the kid points I am a 10, however according to the panty hose chart I am beyond a 10-I am a queen!

I was going through some of my old journals and the resolution that frequently topped my yearly list…lose 15 pounds. So this year I am going to do it. Really! I pulled out my size 10 jeans, put my family on notice and plunged into a diet where every vegetable and lean protein has to be weighed and measured. The big sacrifice is also giving up coffee for the next six weeks!  I am a mom on a mission: I am  dropping my queenly status even if it means caffeine deprivation!

I recently did a story of following your passion. I interviewed a gal who is almost 80 and is taking harp lessons. It was something she had always wanted to do and she is doing it!  What an example of perseverance.

What goals have you set? What is one new thing you would like to do or learn in 2011?

Whether it is a weight loss goal or something else like learning to play the piano, getting published or training for a sporting event. Setting a goal is about  moving forward with anticipation as opposed to looking  backward with regret.

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps.”   Proverbs  16:9

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