Go Fish..and other things to be thankful for!

I come from a card playing family.

My Grandma Miller patiently taught all of us grand-kids how to play “Go Fish” and “Crazy 8’s”. If we were camping or hanging out at her house, we always knew where the miniature Snickers bars and deck of cards were stored. Playing 31 with my Grandpa became legendary.

Some of my fondest memories include playing Canasta with Great Grandma Upton. As soon as the dinner dishes were washed she would clear off the table and get out the cards and sometimes the automatic shuffler.  It was part of visiting that never got boring whether you were her partner or not. Getting all the red threes would put a spring in her 90 year old step and a sparkle in her dimming eyes.










A week ago John taught Scott , Amy and Jack how to play Spades. They switch out partners and have learned the ins and outs of good hands and bad. Instead of pushing away from the table and disappearing into their rooms, it is nice to hear the sound of  cards shuffling, talking and laughing.

Thankful @ Day #5

I am thankful that my parents and grandparents took the time to teach me how to play games  but more importantly I am thankful that they taught us how to simply have fun.




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One Comment

  1. Our family loves playing card games too…well any games for that matter! Such simple pleasures of togetherness and laughter are to be celebrated!

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