Great American Apron Give Away!

Win this!

It is hard to believe that 2011 is here. I remember all the hub-bub surrounding Y2K. Remember how the banks were going to get everyone’s account numbers mixed up and airplanes were in danger of falling from the sky at the stroke of midnight! Crazy how this decade has gone by. Frankly, I am glad it is over. I am ready for a new start and new goals.

One of my goals is to get out of my cooking rut. I don’t know if it is just me, but I really am ready to either hire a personal chef, which is totally out of our budget, put out a large feeding bin of dry cereal and have milk on tap or try something new, which is exactly what we are going to do.
Amy and I are armed with the newest Rachael Ray cookbook, a new olive oil drizzler and the ambitious goal of making one new recipe a week.  Let the sauteing and simmering begin!

Another  goal I have is to encourage people to check out my new weekly blog. In honor of my cooking goal and blogging goal I am having a drawing.  I will be giving away an awesome-hot off the sewing machine- apron I made.  All you have to do is  either post a comment or become a subscriber- it is super easy. If you do both I will enter your name twice!     I will post the winner on January 31st.

Setting goals can be exciting. Even if they are not fully attained, it is better to set and strive for something that stretches you than to aim for nothing.

What is something you would love to learn or do in 2011?  Write it down and start toward it!

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  1. Something I would really like to learn to do is learn to make true southern food for my fiancé and his family! Not that I don’t know how to cook but it is always fun to learn new things.

  2. Hi Marci,
    I am a subscriber 🙂 I am happy to share recipes with you and I want to hear all about what you and Amy are cooking up. Cheers! Kristy
    PS – I want to win your apron too!

  3. Hi Marci…I love your blog posts, your creativity and your humor…and your aprons too 🙂 If I can figure out how to subscribe I will for two entries!!! Happy New Year!

  4. I am starting a free group exersice class on MWF mornings in colfax, until the weather warms up then I’m moving it outside to Meadow Vista- Let me know if you want to come.
    PS I love-love-love your fudge recipe I try a new one every year trying to find a keeper and I think I’m finaly done trying.

  5. Marci…the apron is absolutely beautiful!
    I love that you are doing a blog.
    I think it is a cool thing to do.
    Of, course…I subscribed!
    Maybe I will get my act together and do one as well.
    (I did have one that I kept up for a couple years after my daughter was born (micro preemie…1lb 3oz and 12 ” long).
    She is fantastic now, so I am more busy keeping up with her!
    (PS…if I win this apron, I can wear it when I do my Pampered Chef shows!)

  6. Marci, it is not you. After years of planning, shopping and cooking, I believe we use up the allocated brain space for cooking. It’s a very complex and demanding process. I’m happy to have my hubby take over when he wants. He’s a great cook too.

  7. i love it when my husband takes over the cooking for the evening. Ok it doesn’t happen too often but when it does I am a happy camper. Don’t get me wrong I make dinner and I bake for my family and I am happy to do it it is just nice when someone else will do some of the work too,.

  8. Hi friend,
    At last I’ve made it to your blog and reading it is just like having a fun conversation with you(one sided). Your new apron is beautiful and would encourage whoever wins it to be creating something yummy in the kitchen.
    I have a Rachel Ray cook book too. Who wouldn’t want to make something quick and Italian? I like to catch her TV cooking program sometimes.
    Now that I’m on your blog, I will have to go back into the archives and catch up on your writing.
    We’ll chat again soon. Love, Ginger

  9. I love your apron and more so the fact that you took the time to make it and now are so generous to give it away. 🙂
    I think it’s wonderful you are brave enough to try out a new recipe each week I bet they will be great!!
    I’m thinking of being brave enough to make an attempt in possibly writing a cookbook or childrens book in 2011. If not then it’s on to trying out a new recipe too! 🙂

  10. Hi Marci,
    You’ve always been such an inspiration to me when I knew you in Fergus Falls. I loved how you aren’t afraid to try things and explore life to it’s fullest. For me, one goal I want to set for the coming year is to do just that. Explore, have fun and be more carefree. Life is too short and people are too important! Thanks for your blog!

  11. Hi Marci,
    Love hearing from you and was looking to see how I enter to win one of your aprons. was not sure if I had to submit a comment for that to happen or if I am in the wrong place on your web.God bless you and your family my friend and sister in Christ.
    we love you,
    Your Belizean family

  12. Hi Marci! I want one of those aprons! The Nepaials are serious apron wearers. It’s really tough when someone is wearing my favorite, so I need one of yours, because I don’t think (I don’t THINK) that the guys will steal yours… BTW, have you checked out my cooking photos on Facebook? I would like a copy of your meatloaf and sweet potato recipes.

    <3 Beth

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