Aspire to Inspire

We have six kids. Some are readers and some are not. Amy, our 13 year old definitely falls in the reader category. She loves to read-a lot. For her last birthday, John, bid and won a box of  over 60 Louis L’Amour books on Ebay. She was ecstatic! She has read almost all of them. This can be a great thing, but sometimes she is too enthralled by tumble weed surroundings to notice that her room is still a mess and violin needs to be practiced.

Today, John took her book hostage until she finished what needed to be done.

No!” she wailed as he walked down the hall, book in hand. “He doesn’t have any weapons!”

I wish I could write like that. I admire those who have perfected any craft to the point of moving someone else to such a strong reaction.

2011 is only a few days away and I have been thinking about what goals I would like to have in the New Year.  After mulling over several things I decided my mantra will be “Aspire to Inspire”.

Like Loius L’Amour, who inspires a young girl to worry about a stranded stranger in the middle of a high dessert, I want to be someone to makes a difference on this planet we call home. Whether it is in a big way or several little tasks done well I want to aspire to inspire.

What New Year’s goals do you have?

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