One Man’s Trash

This last Saturday , my two girls, Amy and Emma, and I went to the Dutch Flat White Elephant Sale. Every year I manage to find some treasure that I don’t know how I ever lived without. One year I purchased an old wooden trunk for $35.00. Last year I found a set of old china dessert plates and a cup. This year I purchased a set of 14 silverware forks. As we carted home a few old books, a set of china dishes for Emma, and my forks I thought of how fun it is to go through the treasures cast off by others and the quote “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”
Once home,I made myself a piece of toast with homemade plum jam, poured a cup of coffee and enjoyed a little snack with my eclectic collection.
Forget fine dining and elegant tea rooms! Sometimes the best things in life are in finding pleasure in simple treasures.

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