Scott and the Sky

Our dreams and passions can take us many places. For some, it might be going to a cooking class, learning to ballroom dance, or training for a half-marathon. Scott’s dream has always been to fly and he has had a lot of people behind him to help make that dream a reality.

scott dream

Sometimes you have to face into the wind to lift off the ground and really soar and I just found out that in a bi-plane, the choppy waters, not the smooth as glass ones are preferred.

“The smooth water can create so much suction that it is hard to lift off,” Scott told me as we chatted about what he had been learning.

How many times do I think that I should wait until the water is smooth or the air is still before attempting to take flight?  What we see as “conflict” may be our biggest allie in getting us airborne.

Sometimes life is difficult and dreams seem too distant, take a moment to pause on the possibilities of what life would be like if we never pursued our dreams.

Live fully. Look up. Reach expectantly.



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