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Summer fest focuses on children, families
For over four decades the congregation at Colfax Baptist Church has hosted a Vacation Bible School for area youth. This year, however, they are breaking away from the traditional summer activity and are planning a family-friendly summer festival on Saturday, Aug. 1. “We want to reach out to families in our community and let them…

Meeting pen-pals in person!
Three years ago Scott and Amy started writing to a brother and sister in Ohio. They have kept in contact through real mail and occasional phone calls. This week Scott and Amy finally met their pen-pals Andy and Elizabeth Schaefer.We wee going to Ohio and it worked out that their big fair week was when…
Board Silly
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Scott and the Sky
Our dreams and passions can take us many places. For some, it might be going to a cooking class, learning to ballroom dance, or training for a half-marathon. Scott’s dream has always been to fly and he has had a lot of people behind him to help make that dream a reality. Sometimes you have…