Nostalgic- new word for Pinterest board!

My grandparents, Montelle and Esther Miller, Aunt Peg, Aunt Betty and my dad, who managed to sit still long enough for this family photo.

Nostalgic (adj.) a longing to go back to one’s home, hometown or homeland- a yearning for something far away or long ago.       ~~~~~~~~~~

This week the word on our Pinterest “WORD” board is nostalgic.  At first I was thinking that I should have picked something more school related since many of us are in the middle of regaining a routine after the summer vacation.

Fishing poles and tackle boxes are stowed in the corner of the garage and backpacks are refilled with new pencils, paper and supplies.

When thinking about the word nostalgic I thought about how many sandwiches I had made over the years and the fact that Scott, our fourth kiddo, is starting his senior year of high school.  I think back to my Yosemite Sam lunch box. Mom would carefully pack it with a sandwich, fruit and put a homemade cookie inside.

I am amazed when I think about how much has changed over the last several decades…but also marvel at what remains the same.

My mom, grandmothers and great-grandmothers were amazing examples of homemaking and caregiving.  I remember going to the pantry to get homemade jam to top steaming hot pancakes and seeing all of the fruit my grandmother had canned, along with pickles, beets, beans and jellies.

Grandma Miller in her garden. There is something that I still savor about making homemade jam. It is wholesome. Picking the fruit, letting it simmer, measuring out just the right amount of sugar, and then putting it in the hot glass jars, screwing on the lids and waiting for the “Ping”. Evidence that it had sealed.

I love seeing all the jars set out while they are cooling. When I open a jar of blackberry jam for toast or to make sandwiches for lunches. (Yes… I still do that!) there is something pure and satisfying in knowing that the effort was out of more than just duty. It is a taste that takes me back, and one that will resonate with my own children as well.

The sweet taste and smell of nostalgia.



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