Chill with Mmm~Mango Banana Smoothie.

I love the taste of summer!IMG_0732

Everything is so flavorful and bursting with color.

My husband, John, is the green thumb in our family. He has planted a garden everywhere we have lived.

Sometimes it is a plot of deep brown soil.

Sometimes it is a raised bed with gopher screen lining the bottom.

But, it is always something that produces fruits and/or vegetables.

Sure, there are some variables such as the weather being too cold, too hot, too damp, and the list goes on. Planting, watering, waiting, and weeding finally pays off when the little blossom falls off and a small fruit begins to develop. The promise of what is to come.

It seems to take forever for the fruit to fully ripen, but when it does..aah. There is nothing like it.

You can always tell fruit that is picked too early. The sugar hasn’t fully set and the flavor is dull. Or if the plant  hasn’t been taken care of, the fruit tends to be small, thick-skinned, and often falls from the tree before it is fully matured.IMG_9970

Life is kind of like that too.

Each season unique but important for producing the best fruit in our lives.

Embrace the season you are in today.


Mmm-Mango Banana Smoothie


  • 1 cup milk ~ whatever you use is great
  • 1 cup diced mango
  • 1 banana- frozen bananas make the smoothie extra creamy
  • 1 cup crushed ice
  • 1 Tbls honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • optional: a dash of cinnamon or freshly grated nutmeg


  • Put all the ingredients in blender.
  • Blend until smooth and get ready to chill out to the cool taste of summer.
  • Pour into glass and serve.
  • Makes 2

And in case you end up with MORE fruit than you can use before it begins to go bad. Think about cutting it up and freezing it in either small zip lock bags or in ice-cube trays until frozen and then put into a freezer bag.IMG_0654

Super easy to grab several cubes and add to a smoothie or thaw out and put into waffle or muffin batter.
From my kitchen to yours,




He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, who yields it’s fruit in it’s season and it’s leaf does not wither.

Psalms 1:3

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