Detours can become blessings.

My suitcase was packed..well, almost.  I was looking forward to making the long drive to Northern California. I planned to speak at a few schools and spend a few says with our grandbaby.

“You can’t drive over the grapevine,” my mom said.

“Why?” was my reponse. I always drove over the grapevine to get to NorCal.

“It is closed due to mudslides.” she responded.

I quickly looked up travel conditions and sure enough, it was closed, and it looked like the chances of it opening before my trip would be next to impossible.

My heart sank. I wanted to be at my little nephew’s baptism and was going to leave for Nor Cal from there..but now it felt like, what was routine, was going to difficult. Definitely not something I had planned for.

“I could continue up the 101 along the coast,  stop over in Salinas, and cross over,” I considered.  wpid-imag3139_1.jpg

The drive was beautiful. I had never taken that route before.

The fields of agriculture and vineyards tucked among the rolling hills were majestic under the endless expanse of suspended clouds.

A stark contrast to the colorless landscape I usually looked at for miles.

I stayed with my Aunt Betty and Uncle Bill and had a wonderful visit in the home where I made a lot of childhood memories with my cousin Jeff. Later, I had a wonderful breakfast with my Aunt Peg. Something I would have never had the opportunity to do had I not taken a detour.

Sometimes we are so focused on getting from point “A” to point “B” that we see detours as an inconvernience instead of an opportunity.

When was the last time life lead you on a detour?

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One Comment

  1. Hi Marci
    I just found this. Our friend Sam Barnes said he saw your new picture on Facebook. I am not on Facebook, but it is a joy to just go to your Website. Hope all of you are doing well. We are o.k. Go see Uncle Jim at least every other day. His progress is very slow, so keep him and Aunt Peg in your prayers, as he is to be released from Pacific Coast Care facility on Dec. 23 or 24. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. God Bless. We LOVE YOU LOTS.
    Aunt Betty and Uncle Bill

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