The Sky is the Limit

After a word of prayer thanking the Lord for the way he brought our families together we took a few more pictures, hugged each other and said our final good-byes.


The next stop was Cracker Barrel where our adorable waitress, Tami, kept our coffee cups full and took our orders for blueberry pancakes, french toast and eggs. Yummo! Jack was thrilled with the fact that his blueberry pancakes also came with his own blueberry syrup which was obvious by his bright blue smile!


Then onto a super cool event we hadn’t really expected. The Jet Masters International Remote Control Competition, where people from all over the world came to see large remote airplanes doing high speed acrobatic maneuvers in front of the grand stands.


The highlight of the day for everyone except Jack who would have rather stayed at Cracker Barrel with his stack of pancakes was going through the United States Air Force Museum. Scott was in heaven. They had three large hangers full of airplanes and displays.


We also took in an IMAX presentation of Fighter Pilots. I am not sure what I enjoyed more, the amazing videography…or just watching the grin on Scott’s face.


Reading about the Wright Brothers and those who took risks was a powerful part of going through the exhibits. One quote that caught my attention was “The only thing worse than a lack of potential is a waste of potential.”

Scott dreams of being a pilot. We all have dreams of something…maybe it is a big dream, maybe it is a smaller desire…whatever it is, remember… The sky is the limit!

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One Comment

  1. Marci, is this your family you are talking about?
    I love that museum! Went there back in 2003 when I first moved back to Indiana.

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