Going Bananas! Perfect RECIPE for muffins or banana bread.

I don’t know about your family, but we eat a lot of fruit at our house, especially when we had all six kiddos at home. A LOT! Do the math.. 8  people X 2 fruits a day = 16.

Now imagine a week. That’s right, 112 pieces a week! I often bought a case of whatever fruit was on sale such as peaches, apples, and even grapes. Because the fruit wasn’t handled a half dozen times  i.e put from the box onto the shelf, into my cart, onto the conveyer, into a bag, into the cart, into the car….you get the picture. And the grocery store always had discounted bags of freckled bananas, my families favorite! IMG_9727Because a freckled banana means BANANA MUFFINS or BREAD!

Because we are always on the go, I love being able to double recipes and make muffins. If you wrap them in saran wrap and put them in the freezer, you can take out what you need, when you need them. But, if you are like our family, they might not last long enough to go stale!

I got this recipe from John’s sister, Barbara Lynch. She is an amazing cook and anything that comes from her kitchen is a crowd pleaser.  The only thing I do differently is substitute half of the butter for applesauce to help cut calories but keep the moisture. This recipe can be doubled.


Set oven temp at 325 and grease muffin pan, or loaf pans.


1/2 cup butter – melted

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup mashed bananas – which is about 3 bananas.


2 cups flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp cinnamon – optional


ADD 1/3 cup hot water

STIR.. but don’t over do it! that is what makes the bread tough.


Scoop into muffin tin- bake for 45 minutes or until knife comes out clean.

Pour into bread pans – bake for 1 hour or until knife comes out clean.


urban retro fitter



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  1. Hey Marci! Have you ever added any sort of topping to these? I once had a crumble topped banana bread that I enjoyed and wondered if you had a good recipe for that.
    Can’t wait to make these!!

  2. I haven’t done the crumble topping but it sounds like a winner. Here is an awesome crumble topping recipe..
    2/3 cup Bsquick.
    2/3 cup brown sugar
    1 tsp. cinnamon
    1/2 tsp. nutmeg
    1/4 cup butter – cut into small pats

    mix all ingredients with a pastry cutter (or crumble with your fingers, which is what I do) until the budder is the size of rice. Then spoon onto batter with a tablespoon more or less depending on what you want.- Store any extra in a zip lock bag and use the next time you bake something amazing. Let me know how it turns out!

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